Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nina Simone - I Got It Bad

Nina Simone - If You Knew
If you knew how I missed you
You would not stay away today
Don't you know I need you
Stay here my dear with me

I need you here my darling
Together for a day a day
Together never parting
Just you just me my love

I can't go on without you
Your love is all I'm living for
I love all things about you
Your heart your soul my love

I need you here beside me
Forever and a day a day
I know whatever betides me
I love you I love you I do

1 comment:

  1. MLeezaJune 13, 2009 at 6:28 PM
    Doesn't Nina Simone truly amaze you? With each look on each of her album covers or in her photographs, you see a different aspect of her creative expression of herself. The same goes for her music. She can play one melody as either bluesy or classical and have them both performed to the height of enjoyment. She was truly a remarkable artist.

    One of my most cherished memories as a young adult was driving from Washington, D.C. to New York City with a car full of friends, including my oldest brother, and picking up my Apple-City dwelling sister along the way, and venturing into the Village to discover that Nina Simone was appearing that night at the Village Vanguard. We each checked on our "pennies" and decided to make the early evening set. The club atmosphere somewhere in the '70's was one of crowded sophistication, mellowing out, smokey-interior with mixed drinks all around. We were so smug and self-satisfied and felt so superior to have encountered a jazz great on one of our first forays into adult night life -- only to leave the club and return to our vehicle and find the side windows smashed, our luggage and property stolen, and our pride crushed. With our anger rising in our brests and a flush surging up to my cheeks, I could have cursed the wild man who would dare to destroy my pristine dream -- IF I were a cursing person -- which I'm not. .... Throughout the years those two memories remained juxtaposed in my mind. However, I quickly realized that even a sad adversity such as this could never erase the elation we had just experienced of seeing one of our grand dames of the music world in person. The grandeur of that night reigns superior as one of my all time best experiences that I would want each young black person to encounter. Thank you, Nina, for one of the most sparkling of lifetime memories.
